Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to be Attractive to Women

There are five things you need to do to become attractive. This will work on 99.999% of women. You might be surprised what they are, because they mostly do revolve around physical appearance. Don't listen to women who tell you they don't care about physical appearance. They are lying. Women prioritize appearance as much as men do - 99.999% of the time.
  1. Your body. This is crucially important. You need to work out. You need to do cardio. You need to eat extremely healthy, like Rob Lowe's character from Parks and Recreation. Drink as much water as you can, every day. The better your body is, the more likely groups of women will go, "Mmm!" when they see you. Look at the guys in /r/LadyBoners. That is what women find attractive. Take the time to do a martial art. If you do Yoga, you'll look 50 when you turn 70. Go bicycling.
  2. Your hair. You have to style your hair correctly. It's really important. Your hairstyle will make or break the shape of your face. If you're balding, shave the whole fucking thing off. You have no other choice. Don't worry; you can be bald and a lot of women will still consider you attractive. An example is Bruce Willis. You have to have a nice body for it, otherwise it'll be more difficult to find women who are willing to get to know you. Whether you have hair or not.
  3. Your clothing. Sorry. I hate this one. A lot of people -- myself included -- have no concept of clothing, and wouldn't be able to identify "attractive" vs. "unattractive clothing." You need outside help. Find a friend who knows about clothing, cares about you, and has patience. You can visit /r/MaleFashionAdvice, but it's best to find someone to help you in person. My whole life, I wanted to believe only stupid assholes will judge you for your clothing, but actually clothing is like a social skill that has to be learnt and adapted to in order to have successful relationships with people, whether personal, professional, or romantic relationships. It sounds horrible and superficial, but it's a fact of life. If you don't dress "correctly," women will ignore you. If you've never had outside help and you find yourself frequently ignored, you probably are not dressing "correctly." Don't try to do it yourself; get help. Some people have an intuitive understanding of what clothing looks good, others will simply be clueless. I am in the latter category. I learned this lesson in 2010, when a close friend of mine, frustrated with something I didn't understand, took me clothes shopping. The results were immediate and astonishing. Once I started dressing differently, women started treating me differently. One girl, out of nowhere, asked me to walk with her to her next class, clear across campus. Girls spoke to me and paid attention to me and smiled at me. It was absolutely fucking crazy. I had always been considered unattractive before that, and I never would have otherwise believed that clothing matters so much, but unfortunately we live in a stupid world and it does matter. Shoes are important, too.
  4. Your hygiene. This might seem self-explanatory, but I know a lot of you get depressed and forget this. Take a shower every day. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and in advance of any kind of social situation. Try to floss several times a week. Shampoo and condition your hair, keep your beard closely cropped or shaved. If you have longish curly hair, try blow-drying it in a downward direction after you shower. This always made my hair look good, when I had longer hair. There are a few girls who like guys with long hair but most of them don't; especially if it's greasy or less-than-clean; if you aren't Johnny Depp, your best bet is to keep your hair short.
  5. This last step is a combination of things, but if I were to sum it up in a word, it would be independence. 
    1. Have a job. Do not live with your parents -- that's not attractive, most women won't respect you. Have a job which is both interesting, and pays enough for you to actually live on your own. 
    2. Spend time learning about things and develop at least five or ten separate interests. Be able to talk about things. Read a few Wikipedia articles every day. Read, read, read. Read things other than Reddit comments. 
    3. Be able to do everything you might need to do during the course of a week, by yourself. Do your own laundry. Learn to cook healthy food for yourself. Learn to dance. Dancing is hard, and I get why a lot of people hate it because I feel the same way, but it's a good obstacle to overcome. 
    4. Overcome obstacles. 
    5. Invest in your education, if you can. 
    6. Travel, if you can. If you live in the suburbs, move. Your suburban surroundings are the reason you aren't meeting new people. Move to the kind of healthy urban center where you can walk everywhere and people are walking around everywhere. In Europe, those centers are quite abundant; in the United States there are a maximum of about six of them. Move to one, get away from where you are. 
    7. Learn a new language. 
    8. Learn about botany. 
    9. Learn about astronomy. 
    10. Learn about geology and meteorology. 
    11. Learn about history. 
You can learn about all these things from Wikipedia, and they will all make you a more interesting person. Cultivate your interests. To be interesting, you have to be interested in all kinds of shit. Work on developing a solid group of male friends so that you'll have people to spend time with, and your heart won't break so badly every time a girl is disinterested in you. Go out with your male friends. Meet people with them. It'll be the most fun you've ever had, even if you go home with nobody.

That's it, those are the things. Now you know them, get to work. You don't have to be alone forever.


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