Thursday, December 6, 2018

Concise Guide to Self Improvement

If you are reading the op's post and wondering how you can get the same results and why it is such a struggle, you have to realize that these changes are the result of literally re-wiring your brain. Your neurons/connections are wired throughout life based on your environment, experience and habits. Over time you develop triggers and coping mechanisms that may or may not be helpful. You have a powerful subconscious mind that steers and directs you into patterns of thinking and judgment. With a lot of effort and work you can change the wiring as op has done. The easiest way to kick start changing is to focus on healthy habits. It may seem dumb to you in the moment but even just committing to something like regular meditation can kick start massive changes. Things that focus on the inner you like meditation and journaling can help reveal false self-doubts and other issues and lead you to a path of recovery. You have to identify on what is holding you back and then "program" your brain to not think this way through repetition. 

Meditation/yoga/journaling/therapy/CBT/becoming a monk all target this and over time create positive lasting change. Though the key is: over time. It takes time and is not instant so don't give up too soon. The severity differ from person to person so reading the results of one person does not mean you will see the same thing, it is very individualistic.

The other side to this is how your genes/endocannbinoid system/chemicals/enzymes/receptors are functioning. If you have a genetic mutation of certain kinds it will be near impossible to treat the resulting chemical imbalance by force of mind alone. This is why medication should not be ruled out. If you are deficient/surplus in certain chemicals and get this treated medically you will have a much higher quality of life.

The problem with mental health is that practitioners just pound the heck out of whatever their background is. Therapists are all about therapy, self changers think anyone can do it, it worked for them, doctors like the medications and yoga retreatists think yoga is the cure to all.

So this means that you need to figure it out for yourself unfortunately. The only way to go about it is to try lots of stuff and track what is happening. Try stuff and keep a journal, even if it is just setting time aside each day to just sit and think about you and if you are feeling better or worse and what side effects might be there as well.

Start with this reflection and exercise, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, journaling and work your way up to therapists/psychiatrists/doctors/medication. If you find a solution without medication great, but if not you will have developed a lot of insight into your self to better understand what is going on with you if you get medicated. Of course if you have suicidal or other strong thoughts go straight to a medical professional for evaluation/treatment.

Figuring this out is not something simple and takes effort and time. The key is consistency to effecting change each day. This is why tracking results/feelings and journaling is important. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or a week or even a month, just be able to look back on the year and see on your calendar that you gave effort all year long. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Consistent effort and learning is the key to long lasting change, the path may not end up where you expect but if you keep searching and trying you will find it.

Some people find their drug to be exercise, others meditation, others writing and others yet find an actual drug. You need to find what works for you and has the least amount of side effects possible.

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