Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Overcoming Negativity

Replacing negativity with positive beliefs can be a challenge. Here’s a plan:
  1. I Said Positive Things To Myself
I began to replace my negatives with positive affirmations. Before I would say things like; I'm never going to graduate, school is so hard, my girlfriends suck, I hate my life, I’m broke, I hate my job, why me, and the list went on. Eventually I learned to replace my words with; I can and I will, I will have a better life, I will buy my mother her dream home, I will be successful, I will become better so my relationships are better, I am Successful.

What I did was feed my subconscious mind with positive affirmations that created positive thoughts, which made positive feelings that caused a positive action, which finally gave me a positive result. Do I need to repeat that again? In others words, keep your words safe from negativity and your actions will produce positive results.
  1. I had Positive Visualization
The obstructions in my life didn't matter. I was certain it would get better. I was upset to have end another relationship, I was bitter in restoring a relationship where there wasn't one with my mother, I hated the idea of forgiving my father for not being part of my life and being broke just made it worse.

In those moments, I had to see the future and how better it was going to be. I had to live my dreams in the present. That’s how goals get accomplished. I wanted to change so I confessed and saw myself as a better person. What I was physically seeing was controlling me. Until I saw the future with a positive visualization, my life began to change.
  1. I Surrounded Myself With Positive People
This part was difficult. I enjoyed the company of my friends and had fun with them. There was a problem, when my desire to change happened it caused a bit of friction. I wanted a positive environment that will help me succeed; that force me to choose between success and my friends.
I realize that my association with negative friends was affecting my desire to achieve my dreams. I had to disassociate myself from them and seek positive people. If you have friends that are negative, don’t feel bad if you have to replace them. It might seem a bit rude and selfish, but when you think about it, your actions reflect on the people you spend the most time with.

You have to surround yourself with success in order to your life to be a success. Network and meet people that make more money than you, that know more about the career you have chosen and find a partner that inspires you, not demoralizes you. It might be hard in the beginning, but finding positive friends will not be difficult. The difficulty is letting go of the old ones.
  • I Stopped Eating Mental Fast Foods
There was nothing productive or educational from a PS4, TV, smoking pot and watching sports all day. I would get home from work sit on my couch and play games or watch TV for hours. I was feeding my mind mental fast foods that created a mental Fat Albert.

If you want to make improvements in your life, you must let go of all the mental fast foods. Read books, listen to educational programs, listen to audio books, read blogs related to your career or business and participate in a success, or self-development seminars. The fact is, negativity in your life will always have control of your actions and produce negative outcomes. Feed your mind the proper mental nutrition so that you can live a prosperous life.
  • I Trained and Developed Myself Positively
One thing that you start to develop when you set your life on a positive note is hunger for success. A feeling of succeeding started to dwell deep within my gut. Partying was no longer appealing (for the moment), girls became less interesting (I still love them), and distractions were irrelevant. The only thing I could do was educate, train and develop myself positively in order to achieve success.
The same can happen to you. Take positive training and development into your life.

Make a shift in the things that you listen to, read or talk about. Talking all day about the latest episode of Walking Dead will not add an extra buck into the bank. You’re self-education and training will set you apart from the average minds. I love how Jim Rohn puts it, “Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.” You choose.
  • I Adopted Positive Healthy Habits
Care for some Doritos, pizza, chocolate chip cookies, Coke, breaded chicken wings and a bacon triple cheeseburger with extra mayo? Good god, that sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen. Honestly, that is exactly what is going to happen if you continue stuff your face with these food choices.

I know it can be difficult to let go of these delightful items, but to created positivity in your life, we must learn how to adopt healthy eating habits. When I made this choice, I found tons of energy, I was more focus at my duties of the day and felt great about myself. Don’t worry on what you can't eat; be thankful for the things you can eat.

Aside from eating right, adequate sleep is important. Now adequate does not mean 12 hrs a day. Your body can function well by sleeping 5-8 hours. Take the time to lay and allow your body and mind to recharge. A life full of work and very little rest is not healthy. For my entrepreneurs, I understand sometimes sleep must be suspended. But even then, this times happens in phases. When I need to sleep, trust me, I am going all in.
  • I Had Positive Expectation About My Life
What point are you trying to make by thinking low about your accomplishments? What purpose do you have if you expect to be broke, depress, unsuccessful, lonely and full of misery? Your life has no purpose when you are in living with those expectations. I used to believe that I was destine to live in poverty and in sorrow. I seriously thought that the rich were born rich or had special powers that made them rich.

I had to expect being successful, I had to expect to achieve more, I had to expect leaving the hood (Projects) and most of all I had to expect myself achieving all this when no one else would. That is the only way through this. There’s no exception to the game. Have high expectations of your life and you will have high accomplishments to be thankful for.

Taking a negative perspective and replacing it with positivity is the most difficult challenge I've faced. It was not easy, and even till this day I still work hard to improve and grow. I might be positive, but there is still some negativity lingering around. I don’t pay much attention to it, what I do is bring the greater positivity within and all becomes irrelevant. Don’t be afraid to make a change in your life; it's better for you relationships, your career, and for your growth. When you really think about it, there’s no point in being negative. What good feeling do you produce in being negative? Exactly, so stop being negative!


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