Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to get Started as a Computer Programmer

Start with Harvard's CS50 on edx, it's the best course you'll find anywhere bar none. The instructor, Dave Malan is world class. Check out CS50, and the Reddit sub r/cs50 has a lot of like minded people like you. (Note: this course is free)

Stackoverflow is your friend where you can ask any question you have or bounce ideas off of others.

Learn Java OOP (here is an excellent course): Java MOOC

Free Code Camp for web development

Build your own operating system: NAND2TETRIS

Cave of Programming: All kinds of programming

Open Source Society University: This is a solid path for those of you who want to complete a Computer Science course on your own time, for free, with courses from the best universities in the World.

r/arduino for some embedded programming fun!

.....and of course for anything under the sun: and

For BSD:

For Linux:

For x86 assembly: [How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?]

Edit: Colt Steele has a good web dev course and is highly recommended to do in parallel with freecodecamp

Edit: The MIT Challenge is Scott Young's blog on how he completed the entire 4 year MIT Computer Science curriculum in 12 months

Edit: The Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl is the Bible for learning Ruby on Rails

Edit: For deeper knowledge of OOP check out Sandi Metz’s POODR

Edit: The Bible for C Programming: K&R

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