Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Overwhelming Hypocrisy of Republicans

While the question is rhetorical this does offer an opportunity to really address one of the biggest frustrations all thinking humans should have with the Republican party: Hypocrisy.
Every single day we watch as Donald Trump rubs his adultery and unchristlike behavior in the "party of family values" pussy, and they let him! In fact they actually like it, Trump has an 88% approval rating among Republicans (Oddly fitting.) This is the same Republican party that overwhelmingly voted for Roy Moore, their candidate being a pedophile didn't even decline turnout. He lost 3% with evangelicals though, and only 80% of self described born-again Christians gave him their vote. Good for them.
You might not be surprised to find out that the "party of life" is racking up record numbers of civilian casualties in the war on terror, or whatever we're calling it these days. (Who's the terrorist when we're the ones killing theirfamilies?)
Oh, and Saudi Arabia is using our weapons to kill civilians in Yemen, too! A 164% increase since President Trump was elected.
Party of life.
Of course I don't need to tell anybody about how the party of personal responsibility has a habit of blaming everyone else for their problems. Is it the gay agenda? Political correctness? Immigrants? Millennials? Liberals. Women? Transexuals?
My life sucks because of...
/draws card
Let's leave room for the "party of fiscal responsibility" just added a trillion dollars to the federal deficit. What are Mitch McConnell's feelings on the matter?




Here's a headline worth reading:
Under Ryan’s tenure as speaker, the deficit will have more than doubled. If we extend that idea backward, though, it’s worse: Since he joined Congress in 1999, the budget will have gone from a $125 billion surplus to a $1.1 trillion deficit — a swing of $1.2 trillion to the red.
Have you ever seen a trillion written out?
1.2 e12 dollars.
Twelve zeros, not including the coins.
I know that's a big number. It's so big that I have no way of really conceptualizing it in my head, y' know? Once I held $15,000 in assorted bills in my hand, and even though I had just counted every dollar of it twice now I still couldn't quite grasp it. Almost, but not quite.
To help put a trillion dollars into perspective let's think about it in a different way: Weight.
A trillion dollars in single dollar bills would weigh one million, one hundred and two thousand, three hundred and eleven tons.
A trillion dollars in single dollar bills would weigh one hundred and fifty seven million, four hundred and seventy three thousand stone.
A trillion dollars in single dollar bills would weigh nine hundred and ninety nine million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, seven hundred and seventeen kilograms.
A trillion dollars in single dollar bills would weigh two billion, two hundred and four million, six hundred and twenty two thousand pounds.
157,473,000 stone.
999,999,717 kilograms.
2,204,622,000 pounds.
Just two billion pounds, that's way easier to understand!
Family values
Christian values
Value of human life
Fiscal responsibility
Personal responsibility
To do:
  • Patriotism
  • National security
Actually I guess those two come down to the same thing. They definitely don't give a shit about national security, their obstruction of the Russia investigation proves that.
Republicans didn't just withhold evidence from Democrats, didn't just share classified and sensitive information with the subject of the investigation (not including the leaks), didn't just close the case on the House Intelligence Agency's Russia probe, they [even campaigned for President Trump by declaring him innocent of all suspicion.
How can one say they care about national security, they care about law and order, then willfully ignore facts and evidence?
That's the ultimate hypocrisy of the Republican party, isn't it? The refusal to address or acknowledge reality.
"My grandfather was vaccinated as a child and he died of cancer eighty years later, that's no coincidence."
"Climate change is a hoax and I've got the snowball to prove it!"
"The body has ways of shutting that whole thing down."
One could write a book on Republican hypocrisy.
And it's all because Republicans fall in line.


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