Monday, January 21, 2013

Make an Inexpensive First Aid Kit

If you don't know how to use it, then you won't use it. So it doesn't belong in a frugal first aid kit.

If it's bleeding a little, use a BandAid. So, BandAids and some bacteria-killing grease like Neosporin.

If it's bleeding a lot, put direct pressure and elevate it. So, maxi pads and good, strong tape. (What, you think they invented those things for women? Kotex made battle dressings during WWII.)

If it's burned, soak in cool water and dress with a wet saline dressing. So gauze and a cup and packets of salt. In fact, they have little envelopes of salt at the drug store you can use to make nasal wash. Perfect - already buffered with baking soda. The saline is good for eye wash, rinsing wounds, rinsing your nose or mouth, even getting blood stains out of cloth (frugal tip - soak dry blood stains in salt water). But a baggie full of table salt is even cheaper.

Aspirin is good for pain, as well as the first thing they give you for a suspected heart attack in the ER, so aspirin.

Tylenol is cheap in store brand and is better on an empty stomach, so store Tylenol.

Benadryl can save your life if you're having a severe allergic reaction, so store Benadryl (take 2 if you start coughing and your tongue itches).

Extra credit for knowing what to do with a triangular bandage - make 'em out of worn out sheets. Throw in decent scissors and pointy tweezers. Mine also has some restaurant chopsticks for splints and etc. Lots of cool stuff you can do with chopsticks.

Sunburn goo - that gel stuff with lidocaine in it - feels great on rashes, brushburns, etc.

Oh, and I've got packets of honey from the coffee shop, in case one of my beloved diabetics has a sugar crash. Honey can soak in from under the tongue.

Okay, so if you've been keeping track, I stocked my first aid kit by raiding the medicine chest and linen closet, plus a tube of Neosporin, a roll of 2" bandage tape (can rip smaller but not bigger!), a plastic cup, and a pair of scissors and tweezers (which, come to think of it, I had lying around anyhow).

Total cost... maybe an extra $5.

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