Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What is Post Post Modernism

PostPoMo (Post-Postmodernism), from what I've gathered, is an ongoing discussion, more artistic than academic, about how to approach and examine our world in the absence of:
  • Grand utopian narratives of how society should be (such as communism, democracy, religion, etc.)
  • Feelings of deeply held sincerity/trust in oneself or one's ideals
  • Objective Truth (this one, in my mind, is indistinguishable from the absence of grand narratives, but I'll include it for completeness)
PostPoMo thinkers believe that Postmodernism, in its aggressive critique and deconstruction of society, effectively dismantled human idealism along with it. Postmodernism was a reaction to the shock of the 20th century (The World Wars, post-war cynicism, Cold War, rapid changes in society and culture) and the warring narratives of human progress which marked it, and basically asked: does anyone really have the answers? And is there any objective moral/philosophical/political truth in this world? The answer was no. PostPoMo thus responds: how do we handle that answer?
The two main reactions I've seen that dominate current PostPoMo discourse are Metamodernism and New Sincerity.
it concerns embracing the contradictions that are more or less inevitable, while still striving for something genuine and hopeful.
Metamodernism is the process by which one strives for that genuineness. That leaves New Sincerity. New Sincerity is about embracing a sense of renewed sentimentality, hope and enthusiasm in artistic works, and resisting the Postmodern tendency toward cynicism and bleak irony.
The main difference between New Sincerity and Metamodernism lies in focus.
  • Metamodernism is a search for the most correct out of many possible ways of being, which tends to manifest itself now as being more focused on the most sincere or hopeful way as a reaction to the perceived bleakness of our current times. I believe that as Metamodernism grows, it will grow to include celebrations of other ways.
  • New Sincerity is solely about finding that sincere hopefulness, wherever it can be found in and of itself, without necessarily celebrating it as a way of being, but a way to be.
Other modes of PostPoMo thinking exist beyond Metamodernism and New Sincerity (you can find many of them in the sidebar), but those are the two I feel come up most in both this subreddit and what few PostPoMo "analyses" of popular works tend to work with. Ultimately, many of us are looking for those sparks of sincere, meaningful feeling in art and our lives, and using Post-Postmodernism as a reaction to what we perceive as the meaninglessness and nihilism inherent in current Postmodern discourse.


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