Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How to Treat a Man

  • Don't be cutesy; no baby-talking or making little kissy faces like you would to a puppy
  • Do ask him to help with physical tasks, like moving heavy stuff, opening pickle jars, and squashing bugs
  • Don't expect him to communicate like a woman; if you have a problem, he will probably offer a solution rather than simply listening. Let him know if you just want him to listen. Similarly, don't talk to him like a female friend; he doesn't want to hear about how fat you think your ass is or how much callous you peeled off your heel. He may not have an opinion on your lipstick or nail color.
  • He may not have an opinion on many things. He may not be thinking anything. He is not always aware of exactly what he's feeling. Stop trying to get him to bare his soul like you do with your girl friends after 2 glasses of wine.
  • Do let him decompress. Let him have quiet time to play video games, play guitar, work out, take a long dump, whatever. You don't need a play-by-play of his whole day as soon as he walks through the door.
  • Do treat him... dinner, a massage, lingerie. Enjoy sex with him, and if you don't, communicate what you want him to do.
  • Don't say anything bad about his penis or his body. You wouldn't want him to do this to you, even as a joke. Your man is your stallion.
  • Don't expect him to read your mind. If you let him know what you want (as a request, not a demand) and he does it, let him know how awesome he is.
  • Don't pressure him to open up if he's stressed. Men go into man-caves to figure shit out. Let him know you're there for him. Be his cheerleader, not his coach. Or his mother.
  • Do realize that a man compartmentalizes. While he's working on his car, he's thinking about car stuff. While he's gaming, he's thinking about gaming. While he's showering, he's pondering the mysteries of the universe and he can't hear you past the water anyway. If you want to tell him something REALLY important and he NEEDS to remember it, don't talk to him about it while he's busy. Make sure you are having an actual conversation with eye contact.
  • Don't take everything personally. If he's stressed about work, it's not about you. If he's stressed about money, it's not about you. If he is struggling in the sack, it's probably still not about you. If he wants to do something aside from hanging out with you, it's not that he doesn't like/respect/find you important. There isn't a continuum of importance... it's all important. You, his hobbies, his job, his friends. Just like your life is important.

  • Above all, remember and APPRECIATE that he is a MAN and he is DIFFERENT from you. Enjoy his manliness!

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