Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tips to Reduce Acne

Clean linens. Absolutely essential. If you have common cystic acne severe enough to warrant going to the Dermatologist, you should be changing your pillowcase every day, and the pillow should have a zip-on cover under that that you wash once a week. If you have acne on your back, shoulders, chest, or buttocks, it's the same story. Linens accrue body oil quickly, especially if you use any kind of softener solution. If you can go without it, don't use the softener products, and stay away from detergents with fragrances. Wash linens in the hottest water possible.

Do NOT over-cleanse the skin, especially with those exfoliating washes. They break down the horny layer of the skin, and the constant assault will only make your oil glands overactive. Cleanse once a day, with a gentle cleanser, and exfoliate no more than once a week.

Long, hot showers (more than 10 minutes). Avoid them. The hot water will provoke the oil glands in your skin and, ironically, dehydrate it too.

If you use facial products, don't use your fingertips to apply them. Use cotton balls or pads. Your fingertips will leave an oily residue and cross-contaminate the products with bacteria from your skin.

Generally avoid touching your face if you can help it, if you have oily skin or are prone to redness.

Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Choose one. For nearly everyone, the two of them together will dry/irritate your skin and cause it to peel.

Comb your hair back and wash it regularly. The oil from your hair can make forehead acne worse.

Sunglasses, collars, and hat brims can similarly contain oil that will provoke acne, and the constant rubbing will irritate the skin further.

Having a diet with a high glycemic load (lots of carbs) can aggravate acne. Also, it's generally unhealthy anyway, so try to cut back.

Picking at a pimple, pinhead, or blackhead (no matter the technique, this is part of the reason doctors are so reluctant to lance boils if it can be avoided) will almost always result in a scar. Allowing it to heal naturally, no matter how maddening it is, will almost never result in one.

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