Monday, August 1, 2016

Donald Trump for President?

The Khan fiasco:

Openly mocked the grieving Khan family who spoke at the 2016 DNC. Pondering if the mother was silenced because she was oppressed by the Husband

Trump diminished the Khan's family grief by further saying he too "sacrificed" like they did, citing his previous business dealings and hiring of people

Openly mocked McCain for serving 5-years as a POW

Openly mocked a disabled reporter

Said the Judge presiding over his fraud case couldn’t be impartial because he has a Mexican heritage

Openly mocked the appearance of Ted Cruz’s wife

Said women who have been abused by Roger Ailes should be thankful that he gave them a career

Said Megyn Kelly was harsh to him in the GOP debate because she was on her period

Said women who have abortions should be punished

Lied about himself by creating multiple alter egos in the 80’s and 90’s and served as his own PR man

Lied about seeing “thousands of muslims” cheering in American streets after 9/11

Self-congratulates himself only hours after the 2016 Orlando shooting tragedy

Lied about claiming to have been opposed to the Iraq War from the start

Conspiracies and oddities:

Lied and spread the conspiracy that the Clintons secretly killed Vince Foster

Lied in an early GOP debate by saying vaccines cause autism

Lied about “uncovering amazing things” regarding Obama’s past, acted a main figure early on in the birther movement AND speculated that Obama’s secret Kenyan birth certificate might show that he’s secretly a muslim

Said Ted Cruz’s father was part of the JFK assassination

Said Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax

Pondered in an 1994 interview about the future breast size of his then-infant daughter

Pondered in a 2006 interview about dating his daughter if she weren’t related to him

Randomly lies about the NFL, claiming they sent him a letter which agrees to his opposition to the Presidential debate schedules times

Trump repeatedly tried to meet with the Koch brothers, desperate for donations. They refused. He randomly lies, falsely saying it was HE who turned THEM down

Randomly lies about the Colorado State Fire Marshall during a campaign event, when the marshal refused to let more people seat beyond the event's capacity, by saying the Marshal is a Clinton supporter

Trump on Torture/war crimes:

‘Torture works, we won’t take anything off the table’

‘I’d bring back a Hell of a Lot Worse than Waterboarding’

'We have to take out the terrorists families'

‘Terror suspects will talk faster when tortured’

Multitude of times with retweeting lies/propaganda from racists and white supremacists:

Incident #1 of Trump retweeting false statistics from a white supremacist source

Incident #2 of Trump retweeting from a white supremacist

Incident #3 of Trump retweeting from a white supremacist

Incident #4 of Trump retweeting from a white supremacist

Incident #5 of Trump retweeting from a white supremacist 'Star of David'

Foreign Policy
Trump says Putin will never invade the Ukraine, evidently unaware of Crimea

Trump says Crimea may actually belong to Russia, therefore the invasion was OK

Edit 1. I put this list together and share it to remind people just how many times Trump has said something horrifically stupid, insensitive, racist, misogynistic, and so forth. These examples go back months, and of course none of this REALLY touches upon party platform or policy...that is a whole separate embarrassment. What this list shows is CHARACTER, or lack thereof. He brags about being rich, but money will never buy him empathy, integrity, or humility.

Edit 2. Thanks for the gold! Also..this list is by no means exhaustive! As many have pointed out..other examples of Trump oddities include: Threatening to pull out of the World Trade Organization, pledging to defend a nonexistent article of the US constitution, suggesting that the US should possibly do more racial profiling, saying the US should ban muslims from entering the country, etc etc. The shocking thing is much of this list has been compiled from stuff done in recent months, and there are still 3 more months to go!

Edit 3. Regarding the Iraq war, some of the responses are slamming Clinton and praising Trump. First things first: Trump never opposed the war (see one of my links above), so this is bullshit. Second, yes, Clinton voted for the Iraq war resolution, but so did many other democrats like Joe Biden, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, John Edwards, Joseph Lieberman, and Diane Feinstein. And these aren't exactly "send the-troops-to-die-in-needless-wars type politicians. These were senators who made a decision at a time when public support in 2003 for War in Iraq was at 72% and they were being systematically lied to by the Bush Administration. So this wasn't a black/white issue, or as clear cut as it is today. Just a thought.

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