Thursday, August 18, 2016

Don't Vote for Trump

Trump's official stance is anti-gay. I also feel compelled to point out that the GOP platform is further right on these issues than it perhaps ever has been. The platform is also strongly anti-choice. If Trump manages to win, he will likely have an accompanying Republican congress and the ability to appoint judges which will serve lifetimes on the Supreme Court and do irreparable damage to the rights that you have said you value.

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about globalism. It is an inexorable reality. Everything we do is interconnected via the markets, via global opinion, via our allies and interests. Trump serves up a reductionist view ("let's stop being global"), while manufacturing his own products in China. This is not a man you can trust with protectionism. A real pro-US candidate will use their knowledge of the intricacies of foreign policy and trade to position the US well in that complex web. Donald Trump has already demonstrated that he's dangerously unaware of even the most basic geopolitical realities, and has no interest in learning.

Yes, there are domestic jobs lost to globalism. We know this to be true in the short term. But it's better to follow a plan that uses progressive taxation to ease the localized burdens of those growing pains than to resist the march of progress and lose out the growth that is nearly universally agreed upon by economists. Globalism is a powerful force for growth, we just need policies in place to protect the people most vulnerable to its downsides and ensure the wealth goes to benefit the most Americans.

The Donald's vision of how to "fix globalism" is also factually skewed. He scapegoats, for example, immigration, as one of the things that hurts us most. Well, that's not entirely true. Immigrants, particularly undocumented ones, are propping up entire critical sectors of our economy, like agriculture. We need to fix this, because it's exploitative, but the way to do it isn't mass deportation. He says they're bringing crime, but immigrants, even undocumented immigrants, have a lower crime rate than citizens.

I bothered to write all this because you seem like a sensible person, and I wanted to present more sides to the issues. I've only just scratched the surface, but I hope this acts as a starting place for more discussion.

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