Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why Trump's Ideas Suck


The nominal tax rate for most of the middle class is already 25% - so no change there.
So those 15% would see some amount of savings under Trump's plan. All told it's an average of less than a 0.5% increase in after tax income for the bottom 80% of filings.
Who definitely gets tax cuts then?
  • Make more than $150k? 3% cut.
  • Make more than $230k? 8% cut.
  • Make more than $411k? 2% cut.
  • Make more than $465k? 7% cut.
And of course, the estate tax cut for those families worth more than $10.5M. That'd save the Trump family $4B.

So nothing for the poor, a slice of the middle class gets money, but if you're already doing well you're getting a nice bump in after tax income and a free pass to your well off children.
Speaking of children, his child tax deduction pretty much only helps the wealthy as well... you'll notice a trend here.

Some problems then.
We literally just went through this with the Bush tax cuts and the economic analysis shows: weak improvements to the economy that aren't enough to offset revenue losses resulting in increases in the deficit. If you both understand and give a shit about domestic fiscal policy - this plan is outdated, stupid, and offensive.



Briefly: They're largely funded by local property tax - so failing schools directly correlate to failing communities. Help poor communities and you help poor schools. Cutting the Department of Education isn't part of that equation. Some would call it a scapegoat.


His policies fucking suck and there's broad bipartisan agreement on that. If you give a shit about the American economy and you do your research, you denounce Trump's economic policies loudly.

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